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20121203 We proclaim the Gospel 我們宣講福音

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four evangelists who wrote the gospels. The gospels according to Matthew, Luke and Mark are very similar in many points, and are called the “synoptic” gospels. John filled in details which were left out by the other evangelists.
Matthew and Mark
Matthew was one of the twelve apostles. He wrote the gospel mainly for Jewish Christians. He quoted Old Testament messages frequently to remind the readers that Christ is the true heir of David’s kingdom. The word “kingdom” was mentioned fifty-one times. Matthew grouped the teachings of Christ into five long discourses. The “Sermon on the Mount” was the first discourse.
Mark wrote the gospel mainly for the Gentile Christians in Rome. Mark’s gospel is sometimes called the “Gospel of St. Peter” because his main source was St. Peter. Mark emphasizes Jesus as the leader of the new Exodus. The two climaxes of Mark’s gospel are the confession of Peter that Jesus is the Christ (8:29), and the confession of centurion that Jesus is the Son of God (15:39). Mark was a gifted story teller and was sensitive to concrete details.
Luke and John
Luke wrote his gospel mainly for the Gentile Christians. He wrote about the conception and birth of Christ, and Our Lady might have been his source for these accounts. The canticles from the infancy narratives are used in the daily prayers of the Church. Under the heading of a journey to Jerusalem, Luke weaved together ten chapters (9:51 to 19:27) out of materials almost wholly omitted by the other evangelists. Luke was careful to point out that Jesus prayed before the decisive moments of his mission. Sometimes, Luke’s gospel is called the “Gospel of Mercy”. Chapter 15 contains a cluster of parables which highlight the mercy of God.
John wrote the gospel in order that his readers might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (20:31). To establish this true, John recounted some of Jesus’ miracles and the teachings associated with them. John emphasized Jesus as the Word of God Incarnate and our new creation in Christ. Since his gospel was filled with allusions to Old Testament events and symbols, John probably wrote mainly for Jewish Christians.
Fulfillment of covenants
The covenants in the Old Testament found their fulfillment in Christ Jesus. Christ is the new Adam who overcame sin and death for mankind, and thus repaired the fall of Adam. Noah’s flood was a new creation, and the Sacrament of Baptism instituted by Christ is our new creation.
God promised Abraham that in him all families of the earth will be blessed (Genesis 12:3). Through his death and resurrection, Christ brought blessing to all mankind by freeing them from the bondage of sin.
Moses brought the Law down from a mountain and Christ taught the New Law from a mountain. Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist during the Passover meal, and delivered the people from sin through the waters of Baptism.
David was king for the Jewish people, and Christ is the King of the Church—the new Kingdom of Israel.
Our Lady “treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19). We contemplate the face of Christ with Our Lady by praying the Rosary—-the summary of the Gospel. Meditating on the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries of the Life of Christ help us to store up the Gospel in our heart. A simple way to form the habit of praying the Rosary is to say two decades daily for six days, with three decades on the seventh day, and then one will have the satisfaction of placing week after week a garland of fifteen decades at the feet of Mary.

達味是猶太人的君王,基督是教會的元首 —— 新興的以色列。
聖母「把這一切默存心中(路加福音2:19)」。我們要利用誦唸玫瑰經 —— 福音的撮要,來默觀基督的聖容。默想基督的歡喜、光明、痛苦和榮福的奧蹟,幫助我們把福音儲藏在心中。養成誦唸玫瑰經習慣的簡單方法,是每星期的首六天,每天誦唸兩端奧蹟,第七天誦唸三端奧蹟;如此,便可一週復一週地,把十五端玫瑰經奧蹟,送到聖母台前。