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20121029 Moses led people out of Egypt 離開埃及

Jacob and his sons moved to Egypt, and their descendents became a great people there. A new king in Egypt feared the Israelites, and he instituted two policies: first, he appointed Egyptians as overseers to force the Israelites to perform hard labor; second, he decreed that every newborn male Hebrew child should be cast into the river.
Saved from waters
A Hebrew woman had a son and hid him for three month. When she could no longer hide him, she put him in a basket and cast it into the river.
Pharaoh’s daughter saw the basket and found the child in it. The sister of the child offered to find the child a Hebrew nurse, and she got her own mother. Pharaoh’s daughter named the child “Moses”, which means “saved from the waters”.
The rescue of Moses reminds us of the flight of Jesus into Egypt during the slaughter of the Holy Innocents.
The burning bush
Moses was first brought up in the home of his parents, and then he was educated at the court of Pharaoh. When Moses took the part of the Israelites, he aroused the anger and hatred of Pharaoh. Moses, therefore, fled from Pharaoh and went to Madian.
One day, an angel of God appeared to Moses in a burning bush. Moses was surprised that the bush was not consumed.
God revealed Himself to Moses and commanded Moses to be the leader and liberator of the Israelites.
During the dialogue with Moses, God said: “I Am Who Am” (Exodus 3:14). St. Hilary wrote, “I was frankly amazed at such a clear definition of God, which expressed the incomprehensible knowledge of the divine nature in words most suited to human intelligence.”
Paschal lamb
Moses demanded Pharaoh to let the Israelites go and sacrifice to God in the desert. Pharaoh, however, would not allow the people to go and oppressed them more than ever.
God sent ten plagues in Egypt. And finally Moses announced to Pharaoh the death of all first-born of the Egyptians.
A Bible commentator states: “The people of Israel (the chosen people) occupied among the nations of the world the same position the first-born held in family. Pharaoh oppressed the chosen people among the nations, so God, to punish him, commanded the killing of the chosen ones of the Egyptians families.”
God commanded the Israelites to kill a lamb for each family, to sprinkle its blood at the door-posts, and to eat the flesh of the lamb with unleavened bread and lettuce.
The paschal lamb is a type of Christ. The paschal lamb was without blemish and Christ was free from all sins; the paschal lamb was sacrificed and Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross; the bones of the paschal lamb were not to be broken and not a bone of Christ was broken on the cross; the blood of the paschal lamb saved the first-born of the Israelites from death and the blood of Christ saved mankind from eternal death; the paschal lamb was eaten by the Israelites and Christ became the food of Catholics in Holy Communion.
Crossing Red Sea
After the killing of the first-born, Pharaoh allowed the Israelites to depart. The Lord led the Israelites by a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night.
Pharaoh pursued the Israelites with his army. God commanded Moses to stretch his rod over the Red Sea. The water then divided and stood like a wall on either side to let the Israelites passed over. While Pharaoh and his army were passing over the waters came back together and destroyed them.
The passage through the Red Sea is a figure of Baptism. The former delivered the Israelites from the bondage of Pharaoh, whereas the later frees us from the bondage of Satan and sin.

對此,一解說如下:「以色列作為選民,在普世民族中佔長子的地位。法郎迫害天主選民,因此天主為處罰法郎,下令埃及家庭中的特選者(長子) 要被殺。」