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Prayer Groups Talks 祈禱會講道 2011

Please click HERE for information of my three prayer groups in Vancouver

請 按來參閱有關我在温哥華三個祈禱會的資料

2011/12/25 違反宗教之德的罪惡

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2011/12/19 Sins Against Religion

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2011/12/11 宗教之德 (外在敬禮、發愿、發誓)

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2011/12/05 Virtue of Religion (External Acts of Religion, Vow, and Oath)

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2011/11/21 Holy Souls in Purgatory
(Their sufferings, ways to help them, and advices for holiness)

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2011/11/13 宗教之德 (敬禮及祈禱)

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2011/11/07 Virtue of Religion (Devotion & Prayer)

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2011/10/23 義德 (法庭上的不義、口舌上的不義)

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2011/10/17 Justice (on 5th, 7th, 8th Commandments)

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2011/10/10 義德 (賠償、凶殺、斷肢、偷竊)

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2011/09/25 義德 (簡介: 權利、律法、和判斷)

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2011/09/19 Virtue of Justice (An Introduction to this Cardinal Virtue: Right, Law, & Judgement)

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2011/09/11 智德 (智德的要素, 超見之恩, 不明智, 和假明智)

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2011/08/29 Virtue of Prudence (Parts of Prudence, Gift of Counsel, Imprudence, and Carnal Prudence)

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2011/08/22 愛德和智德 (愛的誡命, 上智之恩, 明智之德)

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2011/08/15 Virtues of Charity & Prudence (Precept of Charity, Gift of Wisdom, Introduction to Prudence)

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2011/08/08 愛德 (果實, 實踐, 對立的罪惡)

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2011/08/01 Virtue of Charity (Its Fruits, practices, and sins against it)

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2011/07/25 愛德 (主體, 對象, 及次序)

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2011/07/18 Virtue of Charity (Its Subject, Object, and Order)

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2011/07/04 Virtue of Hope, Fear, Despair and Presumption

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2011/07/03 望德、敬畏、絕望和妄望

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2011/06/27 明達和聰敏之恩; 違反信德的罪

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2011/06/20 Gifts of Understanding & Knowledge; Sins against Faith

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2011/06/05 Faith

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2011/06/05 信德

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2011/05/16 Grace, Justification, and Merit

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2011/05/15 恩寵、成義、與功勞

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2011/05/09 新約誡命

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2011/05/02 The New Law of Grace

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2011/04/11 舊約誡命 (道德律, 禮儀律, 法律)

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2011/04/04 The Old Law (Moral Precepts, Ceremonial Precepts, Judicial Directives

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2011/03/28 Law (Eternal Law, Natural Law, Human Law)

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2011/03/28 誡律(永怛律、自然律、人定的法律)

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2011/03/07 Original Sin, Mortal Sin, Venial Sin, Effects & Publishment of Sin

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2011/03/07 原罪、大罪、小罪、罪罰

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2011/02/27 罪的原因

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2011/02/21 Subject & Causes of Sins

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2011/02/07 Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit, the Beatitudes, Sins & Vices

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2011/02/06 聖神七恩、果實、真福、罪和惡習

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2011/01/24 德行

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2011/01/17 Virtues (in English)

2011/04/11 舊的誡律(道德律、禮儀律、法律)

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(The cause, mean (or measure), connection, comparison, and duration of virtues)

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2011/01/09 德行

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2011/01/03 Virtues (in English)
(The virtues, subject, intellectual virtues, moral virtues, cardinal virtues, theological virtues)

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2010/12/20 習慣(持久壯態)

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2010/12/13 Habits (Summary of the talk in English)
(Habits, subject of habits, cause of habits, increase of habits, weakening or breaking of habits, distinction of habits)

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