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20111017 Creation and fall of man 人類的受造和墮落

The Baltimore Catechism says “Man is a creature composed of body and soul, and made to the image and likeness of God.” The Catechism further states “The soul is like God because it is a spirit having understanding and free will, and is destined to live forever.”

Pope Pius XII, in his encyclical Humani generis, teaches that the human soul, being spiritual, cannot be the result of evolution. Our body comes from our parents, but our soul is created directly by God out of nothing.

Pius XII also affirmed the teaching that the first man and woman were Adam and Eve, who were the first parents of the whole human race. He wrote, “The faithful cannot embrace that opinion which maintains that either after Adam there existed on this earth true men who did not take their origin through natural generation from him as from the first parent of all, or that Adam represents a certain number of first parents.”

Such an opinion cannot be reconciled with the doctrine of original sin.

Original innocence

God created Adam and Eve and placed them in paradise. God gave Adam and Eve both supernatural and preternatural gifts.

The chief supernatural gift which Adam and Eve had was sanctifying grace. The soul is life for the body, and sanctifying grace is life for the soul. Without the soul there is no natural life for the body, and without sanctifying grace there is no supernatural life for the soul. No one can be saved or enter heaven without sanctifying grace.

The preternatural gifts which Adam and Eve enjoyed were: great knowledge, control of the passions by reason, and freedom from suffering and death. “Preternatural” means “beyond nature.”

Adam is the head of the human race. If Adam had not sinned he would have passed on both supernatural and preternatural gifts to the whole human family.

Paradise lost

Adam and Eve were given a commandment by God not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They were to prove their love for God by humility and obedience.

However Adam and Eve followed the inspiration of the devil and disobeyed God. Adam committed sin, and thus he lost all the gifts he had received over and above human nature (supernatural and preternatural gifts) for himself and for his descendents.

We, as descendents of Adam, are conceived without sanctifying grace. We call this state “original sin.”

As the result of original sin we also lost preternatural gifts: instead of great knowledge we have ignorance; instead of control of the passions by reason we have a strong inclination to sin (concupiscence); instead of freedom from sickness and death we have suffering and death.

The remedy

There is one big difference between angels and men. After the angels had sinned, there was no repentance for them. They turned away from God forever. But after human beings have sinned there is the possibility of returning to God by contrition. Only human beings are capable of contrition and repentance.

After the fall, when Satan, contrary to his own experience and expectation, perceived the effects of contrition, he must have been filled with confusion and rage. Moreover, God promised to send a Redeemer so that mankind could recover sanctifying grace and cope with the effects of original sin.

God said to the devil, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel” (Gn 3:15).

“O happy fault, O necessary sin of Adam, which gained for us so great a Redeemer!” (The Exsultet).


教宗庇約十二的「人類創造」通諭,聲明人的靈魂是天主從虛無中直接創造的精神體,而並非「進化」的產品;亞當、厄娃是一男、一女,是整個人類唯一的始祖 —— 世代人類血肉軀體唯一之源,否則,便與「原罪」的當信道理相違背。



天主賦予原祖最重要的超性恩典,就是寵愛 肉身沒有靈魂便是死亡,靈魂缺乏寵愛就不能活化超性的生命,喪失永恆的福樂。







「復活頌」有一句:亞當的錯失是喜樂的 —— 雖然給我們帶來了罪孽,但也帶給了我們一位偉大的救世主!