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20111024 Grace, the remedy provided by God for sin 聖寵—罪過的藥方

Since the fall of man, human beings have been conceived without sanctifying grace, and thus each of us is born with original sin. We inherit original sin from Adam.

Original sin is not the only kind of sin. There is another kind, called actual or personal sin, which we ourselves commit.

Actual sin is any willful thought, desire, word, action, or omission forbidden by the law of God. There are two kinds of actual sin: mortal sin and venial sin.

Spiritual death

Mortal sin is a grievous offence against God. The word “mortal” means “deadly.” It is called mortal because it deprives a person of sanctifying grace, the supernatural life of the soul.

For a sin to be mortal three things are necessary: first, the sinful thought, desire, word, action, or omission must be seriously wrong; second, the sinner must have a clear awareness of the serious nature of the sin at the time it is committed; third, there must be full consent of the will.

The effects of mortal sin are the loss of divine friendship with God, past supernatural merits, and the right to enter heaven. Mortal sin makes a soul deserve the everlasting punishment of hell.

Mortal sin is death to the life of grace in the soul, whereas venial sin is a disease in the life of grace in the soul.

Spiritual disease

Venial sin is a less serious offence against God. A sin can be venial in two ways: first, when the sin committed is not seriously wrong; second, when the sin committed is seriously wrong, but the sinner sincerely believes it is only slightly wrong, or does not give full consent to it.

Father John Hardon, S.J., author of the Modern Catholic Dictionary, wrote, “Venial sin darkens the mind in its perception of virtue, weakens the will in its pursuit of holiness, lowers one’s resistance to temptation, and causes a person to deviate from the path that leads to heavenly glory.”

“Venial” means “pardonable.” Venial sin is spiritual disease for the soul, and can be forgiven without sacramental confession. Mortal sin, however, is spiritual death for the soul, and is beyond human power to repair.

Only God can raise a dead man to life, and only God can repair the damage done by mortal sin. The main remedies given by God for the forgiveness of mortal sin are baptism and confession. These two sacraments are the pillars of salvation.

Spiritual life

Sin is remitted in the soul by the infusion of sanctifying grace. The sacraments of baptism and penance infuse sanctifying grace into the souls of sinners.

Grace is a supernatural gift of God bestowed on us through the merit of Christ. There are two kinds of grace: sanctifying grace and actual grace.

Sanctifying grace is the supernatural life of the soul. It is absolutely necessary for eternal salvation. It makes us children of God and enables us to share in the divine life of God.

Sanctifying grace and original sin are mutually exclusive. A person who is in the state of original sin does not have sanctifying grace. Once received, sanctifying grace can only be lost by deliberate mortal sin. Hence sanctifying grace and mortal sin are also mutually exclusive. Mortal sin is remitted by God through the infusion of sanctifying grace.

Spiritual help

Actual grace is the supernatural help of God which enlightens our mind and strengthens our will to do good and avoid evil.

Each day God gives us many actual graces. They last as long as we need them. On the other hand, sanctifying grace is permanent, and as long as we do not turn away from God we are in a state of grace.

The principle ways to obtain grace are prayer and the sacraments.




















