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20110110 渴求完美 —— 成聖第一步 Desire for perfection – the first step to holiness


梵二教會憲章指出,「任何身份或地位的基督信徒,都被召叫渡豐盈的基督徒生活及活出完美的愛德」。亞道夫.鄧奎利神父Fr. Adolphe Tanquerey在他的「神修生活Spiritual Life」一書中,列出「四內四外」共八種達致成聖的方法。












「渴求完美」植根和增長於默想和祈禱。聖言 —— 特別是福音和宗徒書信,富有「完美」的推動力,教會禮儀禱文助長我們神修進步的熱衷,閱讀和反思聖人的行實,對培養我們渴求完美,會有很大的幫助。

成聖能使我們對別人的得救作出更大的貢獻。我們為別人作使徒工作的成效是在於天主的恩寵;一個人越是聖善,越能相稱地成為天主恩寵的工具。富頓.舒意總主教Archbishop Fulton Sheen指出,在這過份世俗化的世界,「聖德生活」是信仰最有說服力的明証。



Yesterday was the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. This feast concluded the Christmas season. On Christmas we celebrated the birth of Jesus; yesterday we celebrated our own birth through baptism.

We, as baptized Catholics, are called to holiness. “The universal call to holiness” was a special emphasis of the Second Vatican Council. This theme was taken up in Chapter 5 of the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church, Lumen Gentium.

“All the faithful of Christ, of whatever rank or status, are called to the fullness of the Christian life and to the perfection of charity” (Lumen Gentium #40). In his book The Spiritual Life Father Adolphe Tanquerey lists eight general means of perfection: four interior means and four exterior means.

The four interior means are:desire for perfection, knowledge of God and of self, conformity to the divine will, and prayer. The four exterior means are: spiritual direction, a rule of life, spiritual readings and conferences, and sanctification of social relations.

In these few weeks of Ordinary time before Lent we are going to study each of the means of perfection. This week we are going to look at the desire for perfection; this is the first step toward perfection, and an indispensable condition for attaining it.

Nature and qualities

Father Tanquerey defines the desire for perfection as “an act of the will, which, under the influence of grace, ever seeks after spiritual progress.” Hence, this desire is born of the combined action of God’s grace and the human will.

In order to be fruitful, the desire for perfection must be supernatural, predominant, persevering, and practical.

It must be supernatural in both its motive and principle. The motive of the desire should spring from faith, and its principle is the grace of God.

“Predominant” means the desire for perfection must outdo in intensity any other desire. This desire should be persevering: the desire to do better must be renewed frequently. Father Tanquerey points out that “we must not consider the good we have achieved but the good that is yet to be accomplished; we must not look to those who do less than ourselves, but to those who do better, to the fervent, to the saints, and above all to Jesus Himself, our true model.”

Our desire for perfection must be practical. He who wills the end also wills the means. We should not only think about perfection, but should actually strive to achieve it in the ordinariness of daily life. “He who is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in that which is greater” (Lk. 16:10). Fidelity in little things is indispensable for the attainment of perfection.

Means to foster desire

The desire for perfection takes root and grows mainly through meditation and prayer. Sacred Scripture, especially the Gospels and the Epistles, are full of exhortations to perfection. The liturgical prayers of the Church help to kindle our desire for spiritual growth. Reading and reflection on the lives of the saints are tremendously helpful in fostering this desire.

The good of others should motivate us to desire perfection. The fruitfulness of our apostolic works depends on the grace of God. The holier we become, the more fitting we are to be instruments to apply God’s grace to others.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen pointed out that our world has become so secular that the most convincing argument for the faith is holiness of life.

Let us pray through the intercession of Our Lady and the saints for desire for perfection.