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20111031 Mankind had a long preparation for the Messiah 人類為默西亞來臨作準備

The Baltimore Catechism states, “God did not abandon man after Adam fell into sin, but promised to send into the world a Saviour to free man from his sins and to reopen to him the gates of heaven.”

Salvation history

An author gave two reasons why God waited so many centuries before sending the Messiah:

1. Man having sinned through pride, it was necessary for him to be humbled by a long experience of his miseries, to recognize the need of a liberator, and to desire and implore salvation from God.

2. As the first Adam was preceded on earth by marvellous creations, it was fitting that the second Adam should be preceded by an imposing series of marvellous facts destined to prove His divine mission.

These marvellous facts are to be found in the history of the Old Testament, which may be divided into four periods: 1st, from Adam to Moses; 2nd, from Moses to David; 3rd, from David to the captivity of Babylon; 4th, from the captivity of Babylon to the birth of Christ.

The first period is the period of patriarchal or primitive religion, which was practised before the time of Moses. The priests of the patriarchal religion were the heads of the families, or the first-born.

The highlight of the second period is the Mosaic Law, which has two parts. The first part is permanent and universal, and contains the Ten Commandments; the second part is temporary and peculiar to the Israelites, and contains the ceremonial laws (e.g. circumcision, the interdiction of certain kinds of food).

The third period is the period of kings. King David associated religion with government, and gave first place to the worship of God. His son, King Solomon, built the temple. After the death of Solomon, the kingdom was divided into the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah.

During the fourth period the chosen people were under foreign domination. The communication of Jewish people with other nations served to recall for all people the primitive articles of belief, and it prepared the way for the Messiah.

Chosen mother

The Son of God is the only one Who could determine which person would be His own mother. God prepared Mary to be the Mother of Christ with a special grace and a privilege called the Immaculate Conception.

In 1854, Pope Blessed Pius IX defined the Immaculate Conception as a dogma of faith: “We declare, pronounce, and define: the doctrine that maintains that the most blessed Virgin Mary in the first instant of her conception, by a unique grace and privilege of the omnipotent God and in consideration of the merits of Christ Jesus the Savior of the human race, was preserved from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God.”

It was fitting that the Mother of God should be free from the stain of original sin.

First, she, as the Mother of God, should be perfectly pure. Otherwise she would have been inferior at the first moment of her creation to both the angels and to Adam and Eve, for these were created in the state of justice.

Second, here on earth Mary had authority over Jesus. It is fitting that she who would give commands to the Son of God should not be under the empire of the devil by sin.

Third, as Mother of Christ, Mary was the source of the precious blood that redeemed the world. It is fitting that the source of this blood should not be sullied by sin.

“Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!”





天主創造亞當之先,事前曾作奇妙偉大的創造;同樣,為了亞當第二 —— 默西亞 —— 的降生,天主亦事先以連串的史事,向人類確証祂來臨的神聖使命。這些連串的史事,可自聖經中的舊約翻查,總括略分為四個時期:






只有默西亞 —— 天主聖子,有權揀選祂自己的母親。天主以特別的聖寵和始胎無玷(無染原罪)的特恩,賜給瑪利亞,好讓她能堪作基督聖潔之母。





