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20110124 在天主聖意內達致全德 Perfection consists in conformity to the divine will




洞悉天主聖意的三種途徑有三個C ;就是誡命 Commandments、勸諭 Counsels和際遇 Circumstances of life



教宗本篤十五世教導:「在現實生活中盡忠職守,無疑是遵行主旨的方法,亦是成聖的不二之門。」聖衣會會士佳播. 聖瑪大肋納神父解亦寫道:「成聖不在於成就奇特的大業,卻只需善盡本份。為我來說是可行的。」










In the last two weeks, we looked at two interior means of perfection, desire for perfection and knowledge of God and of self. This week, we are looking at the third interior means, conformity to the divine will.
St. Teresa of Avila declared, “The highest perfection consists not in interior favours, nor in great raptures, nor in visions, nor in the spirit of prophesy, but in the bringing of our wills so closely into conformity with the will of God that, as soon as we realize He wills anything, we desire it ourselves with all our might, and take the bitter with the sweet.”
St. Therese of the Child Jesus said, “The more joyfully [souls] do His will, the grater is their perfection.”
We discover the will of God in the 3 C’s: commandments, counsels, and circumstances of life.

The will of God is signified in the Commandments of God, the Precepts of the Church, and the duties of our state.
Pope Benedict XV said, “Sanctity properly consists only in conformity to God’s will, expressed in a constant and exact fulfillment of the duties of our state in life.” Commenting on this statement, Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen pointed out that “sanctity does not consist in doing extraordinary things, but is essentially reduced to the fulfillment of duty; therefore, it is possible for me.”

According to the Modern Catholic Dictionary, counsels are “good actions that are not prescribed by any law. They are morally better than the corresponding precepts, as fasting is higher than temperance.”
Examples of counsels are: going to Mass or confession when not obliged, praying the rosary daily, and attending Bible study class or prayer group.
Good Catholics often feel inspired to practise the counsels. Father Adolphe Tanquerey gave the following rules for discernment: “If it be question of customary things generally done by fervent persons living under the same circumstances as we do, of things that do not trouble the soul, we may do them without hesitation and later on mention them to our director; but if it is question, on the contrary, of things extraordinary, even in the least degree, of things not usually done by devout souls, let us wait till we have consulted our spiritual adviser and, in the meantime, fulfill with all generosity our duties of state.”

Circumstances of life
We should submit to the will of God in all the events of life. These events are either ordered or permitted by God for the good of our souls.
Father Tanquerey taught that in times of trial, we can ease our sufferings by negative and positive remedies. Negatively, we should avoid aggravating sufferings by thinking too much about past wounds, and about possible sufferings in the future. Possible future sufferings may never come to pass; if they do come, then will be the time to bear them with the help of grace which will be given us for that purpose. “Just now, we have not such grace, and left to our own forces, we shall surely succumb under the weight of a self-imposed burden.”
Positively, we should reflect on the value of suffering. Suffering is a source of light, power, and merit. As a source of light, it reminds us of the shortness of life and the emptiness of worldly things. As a source of power, it produces reaction in us that helps to reinforce courage in the practice of virtues.

Suffering becomes a source of merit when it is borne in union with Christ’s sufferings. It is an instrument to apply the saving grace of Christ to souls.