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20111205 Holy Spirit leads us along the true road 聖神引領眾人踏上真道

The seventh article of the Apostles’ Creed is: “from there He will come to judge the living and the dead.” Father John Hardon, SJ, in his Catholic Catechist’s Manual, pointed out the two key words for this article are “time” and “eternity.”

“We are to serve God by living up to His demands on our will here in time,” he writes, then adds, “But we believe that Christ will come to judge us the moment we enter eternity.”

We will explore this seventh article more when we discuss the four last things to be ever remembered.

The eighth article is: “I believe in the Holy Spirit.” Father Hardon pointed out that this article “is the second turning point in the Apostles’ Creed. The first was in the second article of the Creed through the seventh, where we profess our faith in Jesus Christ. Now we declare that we believe in the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, and in what He has done and will do, through the merits of our Saviour.”

Promise fulfilled

Before His ascension into heaven, Jesus promised that He would send the Holy Spirit. After the ascension, Our Lady and the apostles stayed in Jerusalem and prayed together for 10 days. On the 10th day, Pentecost Sunday, at nine o’clock in the morning, the Holy Spirit descended with the sound of a great wind in the form of tongues of fire.

The sound of mighty wind signified the breathings of grace. The tongues of fire were an indication of the gift of speaking the different tongues of the nations to whom the apostles would preach the Gospel and an indication that the Holy Spirit would enlighten, purify, and inflame the apostles with divine charity.

The Holy Spirit transformed the apostles into new men. He illumined their minds and they understood all the teaching of Christ. They became possessed of an ardent zeal for the salvation of souls. They went abroad and preached without fear.

Holy Spirit in us

The sacrament of baptism corresponds to the death and resurrection of Christ, whereas the sacrament of confirmation corresponds to the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. At baptism, a person is incorporated to the death and resurrection of Christ; at confirmation, the grace of Pentecost is given to the person.

The Holy Spirit lives in our heart and is constantly acting on our mind and will by holy thoughts and holy desires. Holy thoughts illumine the mind to understand truths, and to know what we ought to do and how to do it. Holy desires inspire the will to do good, to avoid evil, and to be more generous in serving God and others.

Father Hardon pointed out that the secret of responding to these holy thoughts and desires is to keep ourselves ever ready to say “yes” to the graces sent by God. Openness of heart to His love is the best form of devotion to the Holy Spirit.

Inspired by his father, Blessed John Paul II had a profound devotion to the Holy Spirit. On Nov. 13, 1983, he beatified Blessed Mariam of Jesus Crucified (the Little Arab), a Carmelite mystic devoted to the Holy Spirit.

Through the Melkite Patriarch Blessed Mariam had sent a message to Pope Blessed Pius IX saying that the Church, even in seminaries, was neglecting true devotion to the Holy Spirit.

Her simple prayer to the Holy Spirit, which has gone around the world, was:

Holy Spirit, inspire me.

Love of God, consume me.

Along the true road, lead me.

Mary, my good mother, look down upon me.

With Jesus, bless me.

From all evil, all illusion, all danger, preserve me.

宗徒信經內第七項信條是「祂要從天降下,審判生者死者。」耶穌會會士若望.赫頓神父,在他的「傳道員手冊」中指出,這項信條主要關乎「時間」和「永恆」:『在時間,我們要甘心按天主的意願去事奉祂;但我們相信,當我們進入永恆時,基督會來審判我們。』—— 我們會在「萬民四末」中探討這議題。










