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20110207 達致全德的神修指導 The art of directing souls on the way of perfection

談過亞道夫.鄧奎利神父Fr. Adolphe Tanquerey有關達致全德的四個內在方法後,接著數星期,我們探索他說的四個外在方法:一、神修指導;二、生活規範;三、研讀聖書;四、聖化社交生活。今天我們先看神修指導



教宗良十三 Leo XIII其中一篇牧函寫道:「天主上智安排下,人多數是藉著別人而得救;因此,祂要被召成大聖的人是由別人引導下成聖,『好讓』–––––– 恰如聖若望金口說的一樣 ––––––『天主藉著別人來教導我們』。」









能有一位恰適的神師,是天主珍貴的恩物。聖方濟各.撒肋爵寫道:「因此,我的女兒,為了妳在這熱心的旅途中得到指引,妳要懇切祈求天主給妳一個合祂心意的導師,不要懷疑祂定會賜妳一位充滿智慧和忠誠的人 –––––– 甚至派遣天使到來,就像祂善待托彼雅一樣。」



In the past four weeks we have looked at the four interior means of perfection. These coming weeks we are going to look at the four exterior means of perfection: direction, a rule of life, spiritual readings and conferences, and sanctification of social relations. This week we are going to explore the topic of spiritual direction.

We need help from others

Both in the physical and spirit realms, God helps us through other people.

In one of his letters, Pope Leo XIII wrote, “God, in His infinite providence, has decreed that men for the most part should be saved by men; hence He appointed that those whom He calls to a loftier degree of holiness should be led thereto by men ‘in order that,’ as Chrysostom says, ‘we should be taught by God through men.'”

St. Francis de Sales said, “Why should we wish to constitute ourselves directors of our own souls when we do not undertake the management of our bodies. Have we not noticed that physicians, when ill, call other physicians to determine what remedies they require?”

A spiritual writer wrote, “If no science, no art, however simple, can be learned well without a master, much less can anyone learn this high wisdom of evangelical perfection, wherein such great mysteries are found.”

The scope of spiritual direction

Father Adolphe Tanquerey pointed out that the scope of direction is very wide. Sacramental confession is limited to accusing ourselves of sins, whereas direction reaches the causes of sin: deep-rooted inclinations, temperament, acquired habits, and temptations. Direction strives to discover the remedies for sins and to combat sins with the contrary virtues. Direction includes the means to foster these virtues. It also deals with vocation and spiritual exercises.

A spiritual director prepares and helps a person to face the different dangers on the spiritual journey. Father Tanquerey pointed out the chief dangers for beginners are relapses into sin, presumption, lack of discretion in mortifications, and spiritual aridity.

An important challenge for those who are more advanced in the spiritual life is to discern which virtues are especially suited for the person, and the means of practising them. A spiritual director can also help a more advanced person to persevere in the practice of virtues and not fall into lukewarmness.

A person who is closer to perfection needs the help of a director to discern the genuineness of divine inspirations. A director is an important pilot in the midst of spiritual trials and consolations.

Finding a spiritual director

A spiritual director is a precious gift from God. St. Francis de Sales wrote, “So, daughter, inasmuch as it concerns you so closely to set forth on this devout journey under good guidance, do you pray most earnestly to God to supply you with a guide after His own heart, and never doubt but that He will grant you one who is wise and faithful, even should He send you an angel from heaven, as He sent to Tobias.”

“In a word, such a friendship should be strong and sweet; altogether holy, sacred, divine, and spiritual. And with such an aim, choose one among a thousand, Avila says – and I say among ten thousand, for there are fewer than one would think capable of this office. He must needs be full of love, of wisdom, and of discretion; for if either of these three be wanting there is danger.

“But once more I say, ask such help of God, and when you have found it, bless His holy name; be steadfast, seek no more, but go on simply, humbly, and trustfully, for you are safe to make a prosperous journey.”