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20110502 Wisdom helps us make right judgments 上智帶來善辨

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. The first gift is wisdom. By this gift we are able to keep before our minds our last end, which is to be with God in heaven for ever, and to live in such a way while we are in this world as to secure that happiness.

According to St. Thomas Aquinas, the gift of wisdom enables a person to judge rightly about divine things, and to make judgments about other things according to the divine law of charity which is in him.

Charity and peace

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit help a person to practise virtues, and the results of practising virtues are the Beatitudes. Therefore St. Augustine and St. Thomas linked each of the seven gifts with a virtue and beatitude.

St. Thomas teaches that the gift of wisdom presupposes charity. Since charity is expelled by mortal sin, so also is wisdom. There is a special correspondence of wisdom with the Beatitude, “blessed are the peacemakers.”

St. Augustine wrote, “Wisdom is becoming to peacemakers, in whom there is no movement of rebellion, but only obedience to reason.” St. Thomas pointed out that peace is the tranquility of order, and it belongs to wisdom to set things in order.

Wisdom of St. Pambo

In the Lives of the Fathers of the Desert, there is a story that helps to illustrate the gift of wisdom.

A young hermit one day came from a distant desert to visit the great Abbot Pambo, who was renowned throughout the whole country for his wisdom and knowledge.

The abbot received him with great kindness, and told him to sit down by his side.

The young man then began to ask him many questions on the most difficult points of the holy Scriptures, and asked him to explain to him certain mysteries which even the most learned theologians could not explain without difficulty.

To all his questions the holy man answered nothing, so that the hermit was disappointed. He at last rose and left the cell in disgust.

When he went out he met a disciple of St. Pambo, to whom he said: “I might have spared myself the trouble of this long journey, for your abbot seems to know nothing. He could not give me an answer even to one of the questions I put to him.”

“My dear brother,” answered the other, “our holy abbot does not spend his time in searching into the hidden things of God which our poor limited understandings cannot comprehend. What he does know is how to lead a holy life on earth, that we may one day be worthy of seeing God in heaven.”

These words made the young man reflect a little. He at once went back to the cell of the abbot, and said to him: “My Father, perhaps you will tell me what I have to do to lead a holy and pious life, and so one day get to heaven.”

St. Pambo, hearing this question, looked up; there was a smile on his countenance. “Now,” he said, “your questions begin to please me, and now I shall be able to answer you.”

The holy man then spoke to him of the great love of God in sending His only-begotten Son from heaven that we poor sinners might one day be able to reach it, of our eternal home there, and of the sufferings of our blessed Redeemer. The young man returned home knowing now that true wisdom was only to be found in the love of God and the study of the saints.




聖多瑪斯教導: 上智之恩需要愛德;大罪使人失去愛德,也失去上智。「上智之恩」與「締造和平」的真福是相連的。





