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20110620 Delightful fruits of the Divine Paraclete 師保聖神的美果

In the past two months we have explored the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, which help us to practise virtues. The results of exercising virtues are the beatitudes and the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are “supernatural works that, according to St. Paul, manifest the presence of the Holy Spirit. The one who performs them recognizes God’s presence by the happiness he experiences, and others the divine presence by witnessing these good works (listed in Gal 5:22-23). They are, in other words, identifiable effects of the Holy Spirit. In the Vulgate text they are: charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, longanimity, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, and chastity” (Modern Catholic Dictionary).

These 12 fruits make us happy and contented, and help us to be more pleasing to both God and man. Father Adolphe Tanquerey, author of The Spiritual Life, defined the fruits of the Holy Spirit as “acts of virtue which reach a certain degree of perfection and fill the soul with holy joy.”

Glory of God

Father Francis Fernandez, author of the daily meditations series In Conversation with God, points out that the first three fruits: love (charity), joy, and peace, are signs of the glory of God.

Regarding charity, St. John Chrysostom said, “There is no sign or mark which distinguishes the Christian and the lover of Christ greater than the care of our brothers and sisters and zeal for the salvation of souls.”

The result of love, our union with God, is joy; and love and joy bring about the tranquility of order in the soul, which is peace.

Effective apostolate

According to Father Fernandez, patience and longanimity are important in the apostolate.

“Longanimity is like patience. It is a stable disposition by which we wait serenely, without complaint or bitterness and for as long as God wishes the deferrals willed or permitted by Him, before we reach the ascetic or apostolic targets which we set ourselves.”

“In the apostolate the patient person always has high targets, to the measure of God’s Will, although the immediate results may seem small, and uses all the human and supernatural means available, with a holy persistence and constancy.”

Kindness brings effectiveness to the apostolate. A spiritual writer taught that “kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence, or learning; and these three last have never converted anyone, unless they were kind also.”

Welfare of neighbour

Father Fernandez points out that benignity, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, modesty, continence, and chastity are fruits more directly related to our neighbour’s welfare.

We should desire good for others and strive to bring it about. In our dealing with others, gentleness, faithfulness, and temperance are very important.

The last three fruits: modesty, continence, and chastity, are related to the virtue of temperance. Father Fernandez points out that “modesty is attractive because it bespeaks simplicity and inner order.”

Spirit vs. flesh

It is very important for us to follow the inspirations of the Holy Spirit rather than our own instincts.

According to The Navarre Bible, “When someone lets himself be led by his instincts he is said to be leading an “animal life”; whereas, if he acts as his reason advises, he is leading a rational, human, life. Similarly, when one allows the Holy Spirit to act, one’s life becomes life according to the Spirit, a supernatural life, a life which is no longer simply human but divine. This is what happens when a person is in the state of grace and is mindful of the treasure he bears within.”

“The Holy Spirit, living in your soul in grace—God with you — is giving a supernatural tone to all your thoughts, desires, and actions” (St. Josemaria Escriva).
















