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20120130 Commandments guide us on the way to salvation 十誡引領我們走得救之路

In the last 18 articles we explored the essential doctrines of the Catholic Church, based on the Apostles’ Creed. These articles can be reviewed at www.fatheranthonyho.ca.

In addition to believing what God has revealed we must keep His law in order to be saved. Christianity is a way of life, and the Ten Commandments guide us on the way to salvation.

This week we are beginning a series of articles on moral life based on the Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments can be summed up by the two great commandments of loving God and loving others. We should love God above all things and love others as ourselves.

Affirmative and negative

Some of the Ten Commandments are affirmative and some are negative. Affirmative precepts say “thou shalt,” whereas negative precepts say “thou shalt not.”

Examples of affirmative precepts are: going to Church on Sunday and obeying one’s parents. Examples of negative precepts are: thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery, and thou shalt not steal.

One author has written: “Precepts, both affirmative and negative, urge at all times, but with this difference: negative precepts urge always and at every instant, since always and at every instant the prohibited act is to be omitted; but affirmative precepts urge always but not at every instant, since the enjoined act is always enjoined but not to be performed at every instant.

“Affirmative precepts sometimes yield to excusing causes, but not even fear of death will excuse from the negative precepts of the Divine Law.”

We must abstain from evil acts at all times, with no exception. Hence, lying and stealing are always wrong. However we are only obliged to do certain good acts when required.

For example, we are only obliged to go to church on Sundays and holy days. And affirmative precepts sometimes yield to excusing causes. Hence, a sick person can be excused from the Sunday Mass obligation.

Three sources

The moral quality of our human acts is determined from three criteria: the object, the end or purpose, and the circumstances.

The object is what we do. For example, almsgiving is morally good and stealing is morally evil. An important moral principle is “the end doesn’t justify the means.” Hence we can never do a morally evil act to achieve a good result.

The end or purpose is the motive for which something is done. If the motive is sinful, then the action is sinful. A bad intention spoils a good work, but a good intention cannot change a bad action into a good one. We need both good work and good intention.

The circumstances are the conditions under which a human act is performed. Father John Hardon, SJ, author of The Question and Answer Catholic Catechism, wrote, “Who does something, in whose presence, when, where, and the way it is done: all these are called the circumstances, and they deeply affect the morality of our conduct.”

“For example, the misconduct of a public official gives greater scandal than that of a private individual, to speak unkindly of a person before a group of people is worse than before one person, and to practise charity toward an enemy is normally more virtuous than toward a friend.”

An action is morally good when the object, circumstances, and purpose of what is done are all good. But an action is morally bad when either the object, circumstances, or purpose of the act is bad.

“Love can cause no harm to your neighbour, and so love is the fulfillment of the Law” (Rom 13:10).


除了要相信天主所啟示的真理之外,為要靈魂的得救,我們必需要遵守祂的律例。基督宗教是生活之道, 而天主的誡命是引領我們走得救之路。

本週開始,我們從「天主十誡」探討倫理道德的規範。而其實,「天主十誡」可綜合為兩條重要的誡命:愛天主、愛近人 —— 我們應當愛天主在萬有之上,及愛人如己。











總括來說,要行為合乎倫理道德,行為本身、動機、和環境, 三樣都要好;相反,若行為本身、動機、和環境 ,三樣其中之一是醜惡的,那行為也不合乎倫理道德。
