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20101115 Lessons on prayer and peace from Our Lady of Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜聖母對祈禱與和平的指引

過去兩週,我們談及教會確認兩宗真實的聖母顯現。本週我們來到中美洲,看看聖母在尼加拉瓜,顯現給謙遜和貧窮的納鐸.馬天力Bernardo Martinex的個案。


一九八零年五月八日的首次顯現,聖母告訴納鐸: 她希望人們每天誦唸玫瑰經,並勸勉在唸玫瑰經時誦讀當中奧蹟有關的聖經章節,切勿趕急馬虎地唸。聖母重申要求履行連續五個首瞻禮七(星期六)對她的敬禮。她告訴納鐸去傳揚信息。








In the last two weeks we looked at two approved Marian apparitions. This week we are going to Central America, where Our Lady appeared to a humble and poor man, Bernardo Martinex, in Nicaragua in 1980.

Pray Rosary well

The first apparition took place on May 8. Our Lady told Bernardo that she wanted the Rosary to be prayed every day. She recommended praying the Rosary with the reading of Bible citations, and told us not to pray in a rush. Our Lady also asked us to renew the Five First Saturdays devotion. She told Bernardo to spread the message.

On May 16 Our Lady appeared again to encourage Bernardo to spread the message and to tell the priest.

Our Lady appeared the third time on June 8. Bernardo saw visions of four groups of people. The first group was early Christians.

People from the second group were dressed in white (probably Dominicans). When they prayed the Rosary, one of them first read from the Bible, and then everyone meditated silently on the words. Then they prayed the Our Father and 10 Hail Marys.

The third group was Franciscans, and they received the Rosary from the second group. People from the fourth group were in normal street clothes and carried rosaries.

On July 8 an angel appeared to Bernardo. The angel made a number of prophesies which all came to pass. He foretold the release of a boy from jail, the abatement of the drinking problem of a man, and the killing of Bernardo’s cousin.

Peace and patience

The fourth apparition of Our Lady was on Sept. 8. A man had given Bernardo some money for the building of a church, and so he asked Our Lady if she wanted a church built in her honour.

She said, “No! The Lord does not want material churches, He wants living temples, which are yourselves. Restore the sacred temple of the Lord. In you is the gratification for the Lord. Love each other. Love one another. Forgive each other. Make peace. Don’t just ask for it, make peace.

“From this day on do not accept even one cent for anything. Always continue firmly in the catechism. Little by little you will comprehend all that the catechism signifies. As a community group meditate on the beatitudes, away from all the noise. I am not going to return on the 8th of October, but on the 13th.”

On Oct. 13 everyone saw a big luminous circle on the ground. Our Lady appeared as Our Lady of Sorrows and gave the following messages: “Pray the Rosary. Meditate on the mysteries. Listen to the Word of God spoken in them.”

“They ask of me things that are unimportant. Ask for faith in order to have the strength so that each can carry his own cross. The suffering of this world cannot be removed. That is the way life is.

“There are problems with the husband, with the wife, with the children, with the brothers. Talk, converse, so that problems will be resolved in peace. Do not turn to violence. Never turn to violence. Pray for faith in order that you will have patience.”

“Nicaragua has suffered a great deal since the earthquake, and will continue to suffer if all of you don’t change. If you don’t change you will hasten the coming of the Third World War.

“Pray, pray, my son, for all the world. Grave dangers threaten the world. The mother never forgets her children, and I have not forgotten what you suffer. I am the mother of all of you sinners.”