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20110718 Saints in the world but not of the world 聖人的在俗脫俗

Two of the patron saints of this year’s World Youth Day lived a consecrated life in the world. St. John of Avila (1500-1569) was a secular priest, and St. Rose of Lima (1586-1617) was a lay Dominican tertiary living with her family.

A powerful preacher

John of Avila’s parents died while he was a student. After his priestly ordination, Father John celebrated his first Mass at the church where his parents were buried. On that occasion, instead of friends and relatives, he invited the poor to a meal. He soon sold the family property and gave the proceeds to the poor.

John intended to do missionary work in Mexico, but while he was waiting to depart for Mexico, his extraordinary devotion in celebrating Mass was discovered by a priest in Seville. This priest reported his observations to his archbishop. The archbishop saw John as a powerful instrument to stir up the faith in Andalusia, and he persuaded John to stay in Spain.

His first sermon was preached on July 22, 1529, and from that day on John was known as a powerful preacher. Large crowds assembled to listen to his sermons. His fiery denunciations of vices brought him enemies, who got him imprisoned for a short time by the Inquisition in Seville. But this incident only made John even more popular among the people.

The importance of a spiritual director was stressed by John of Avila, and he himself was outstanding in this role. St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of God, St. Francis Borgia, and Venerable Louis of Granada were among the disciples attracted by his preaching and saintly reputation.

For 18 years before his death in 1569 John was a victim of constant illness resulting from the hardships of his 40 years of apostolate.

Rose of the New World

St. Rose of Lima was the first canonized saint from the Americas. As a child Rose had an intense devotion to the Infant Jesus and to Our Lady. She dedicated herself to prayer and mortification. She was very obedient to her parents, and she took St. Catherine of Siena as her model.

At the age of 20 Rose became a Dominican tertiary and continued to live at home. She had a hermitage in the garden, but also had a room in the house where she tended destitute elderly people.

Rose was a woman of the cross. She practised extraordinary penances and experienced violent temptations and spiritual dryness. She was misunderstood by others, including her family. During the long illness that would bring about her death she prayed, “Lord, increase my sufferings, and with them increase Your love in my heart.”

During a mystical experience, Rose saw a set of scales. One side of the scales had sufferings, and the other side of the scales had graces. Our Lord first distributed sufferings to all people, and then He distributed graces to them in the same proportion as the sufferings.

Our Lord said, “Affliction is always accompanied by grace; grace is proportionate to suffering. The measure of my gifts is increased with the measure of trials. The cross is the true and only road that leads souls to heaven.”

Both St. John Avila and St. Rose of Lima practised detachment while living in the world. They both had an intense love for the interior life, which was manifested in their devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. John of Avila celebrated Mass with great devotion, and Rose of Lima spent many hours adoring the Blessed Sacrament. John of Avila encouraged frequent Holy Communion, and Rose of Lima received Jesus daily in Holy Communion.











