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20120312 We respect life from conception to natural end 我們尊重生命之恩

In the last article we looked at the Fifth Commandment and our duties to take proper care of the soul and the body. In this article we will look at some moral issues regarding the protection of human life.
Human life is especially vulnerable at its beginning and at its end, so many moral issues have to do with the beginning and the end of life. It is very important for us to remember that only God is the master and author of life; He alone has the right to give and to take life.
Beginning of life
An important moral issue related to the beginning of life is the evil of abortion.
According to writer Father John Hardon, SJ, “Abortion is the direct expelling from the mother’s womb of a living fetus that cannot live outside the womb even with the most extraordinary medical care. The Church has always held that abortion, as the deliberate killing of an unborn child, at any time after conception, is a grave sin.”
The Second Vatican Council called abortion an “unspeakable crime.”
So-called “indirect abortion” is the foreseen but unintended loss of a baby after a medical procedure necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother. The baby is in no way directly attacked, and the loss of fetal life is a secondary and unintended consequence, hence it is not sinful.
Human life is sacred, and God intends that the proper moment for the beginning of human life is in the context of the marital act, when husband and wife renew their marriage commitment to each other.
Any manipulation of human life outside the marital act is gravely sinful. Such manipulation includes cloning, in-vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, and artificial insemination.
The Church teaches that “what is technically possible is not for that very reason morally admissible.”
The Church cannot approve conception of a child outside the setting of conjugal act, nevertheless, “every child which comes into the world must in any case be accepted as a living gift of the divine Goodness and must be brought up with love” (Donum Vitae).
End of life
An important moral issue regarding the end of life is the evil of euthanasia. According to the document Evangelium Vitae, euthanasia is “an action or omission which of itself and by intention causes death, with the purpose of eliminating all suffering.”
Euthanasia is never permissible, because it is always either wilful murder or suicide. Life is a precious gift from God, and He alone has the right to take life.
We do not judge whether a life is too burdensome to live or not, but we can judge whether a treatment is too burdensome to undertake or not. Hence there is the traditional distinction of ordinary (proportionate) and extraordinary (disproportionate) means to preserve human life.
According to Father Hardon, “The ordinary means to preserve life are proper food, sleep, clothing, and shelter; they also include such medical care as society can readily provide.” An example of ordinary treatment is giving artificial nutrition and hydration to a persistently unconscious person.
Extraordinary means are “those that cannot be obtained or used without extreme difficulty in terms of pain, expense, or other burdening factors.”
We are morally obliged to use ordinary means but usually extraordinary means are optional.
Readers are encouraged to enhance knowledge on moral issues by reading the Church’s documents such as Evangelium Vitae and Donum Vitae. An excellent book which gives answers to moral questions asked by common people is Life, Death, and Catholic Medical Choices (50 Questions from the Pews) published by Liguori Publications.

人類生命處於始與終之際,顯出特別脆弱,故此,很多道德規範的湧現,為的是要保護每個人這重要時刻。為首,我們要緊記,天主才是生命的創造者和主宰,亦只有祂才有掌管生死的大權 —— 決定生命的賜予或終結。
