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20091207 富頓.殊恩Fulton Sheen主教 Pioneering evangelism







早在一九五零年,教宗碧岳十二世Pius XII明言,從「貞潔」和「敬禮聖體」,才找到良好的年青聖召。殊恩主教主持司鐸退省時,常集中鼓勵堅守「聖時祈禱」。


富頓.殊恩主教對人的靈魂抱有很大的愛情,他藉傳媒向很多的人作福傳。他運用「直接」和「間接」的福傳方法:在電台廣播中,以簡易的語句,「直接」向大眾介紹天主教教義;在電視媒體,他「間接」地藉討論公眾關心的話題,漸次導入教會的言論。他高談闊論,涵括文藝、科學、戰爭、幽默及不同的主題,吸引美國廣大的電視觀眾。超過三千萬人觀賞過他箸名「值得存活Life is worth living」的節目。



1. 從前,人們因宇宙的秩序而信仰天主; 但今天,人們因生活的混亂,而尋求並相信天主。

2. 在國家內,不足十個人是憎恨天主教教會,卻有過百萬人因誤解而憎恨天主教教會的形象。

3. 很多時,人們對教會信理上的反對,事實上是對教會道德觀的反對。

4. 我們寧願研究別人言論的因由,而不去執着針對那些言論;便不難察覺到他們自圓其說或自作合理化的生活方式。


This Wednesday, Dec. 9, will be the 30th anniversary of the death of Bishop Fulton Sheen. He was a pioneer of evangelization through social communication. Bishop Sheen was a man of prayer who had tremendous love for the Holy Eucharist and for immortal souls.

Man of the Holy Eucharist

On the day of his priestly ordination, Father Fulton Sheen made the resolution to make a Holy Hour every day before the Blessed Sacrament. It was a resolution he kept until the day of his death, but it was not always easy for him to keep his resolution.

Once, Bishop Sheen began the Holy Hour and fell asleep. He woke up in exactly one hour and thought, “Have I made a Holy Hour?” Then, an angel told him, “That’s the way the Apostles made their first Holy Hour in the Garden, but don’t do it again.”

In order to keep himself awake, sometimes Bishop Sheen would pace up and down the aisle during the Holy Hour. As he got busier in life, Bishop Sheen preferred to make Holy Hour early in the morning. He wrote, “Priests, like everybody else, are divided into two classes: roosters and owls. Some work better in the morning, others at night.”

Bishop Sheen pointed out the purpose of the Holy Hour is to encourage a deep personal encounter with Christ. He wrote, “Neither theological knowledge nor social action alone is enough to keep us in love with Christ unless both are preceded by a personal encounter with Him.”

The Holy Hour helped Bishop Sheen tremendously in preserving his priestly vocation. He pointed out that a priest begins to fail his priesthood when he fails in his love of the Eucharist.

Back in 1950, Pope Pius XII wrote about two points that priests should look for in every young man seriously desirous of becoming a good priest – chastity and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. When Bishop Sheen was giving retreats to priests, he always focused on one general resolution – daily Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament.

Lover of souls

Bishop Sheen had a great love for souls. He reached out to many people through social communication. Bishop Sheen used two different approaches: direct and indirect. He used the direct approach on radio by presenting Catholic doctrine in plain and simple language and he used the indirect approach on television by starting with topics common to the audience and gradually proceeding to Christian topics.

He talked about art, science, war, humour, and many other themes on television. In doing so, Bishop Sheen tried to reach out to the vast television audience of America. His best-known television series was called Life is Worth Living. There were over 30 million viewers.

Bishop Sheen’s usage of social communication attracted converts. Many people wrote to him asking for instructions and he held classes for them. Bishop Sheen made the following observations about souls:

– Years ago souls were brought to a belief in God by the order of the universal. Today souls are brought to God by disorder within themselves.

– There are not ten people in the country who hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate the image of the Catholic Church that they have created out of misunderstanding.

– Oftentimes, what appears to be a doctrinal objection against faith turns out to be a moral objection.

– It is always well never to pay attention to what people say, but rather why they say it. So often, there is a rationalization of the way they live.

In this Year for Priests, let us pray that all priests would have the same love for God and for souls as Bishop Fulton Sheen.