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20090717 司 祭 職 Curé d’Ars secures cure for our needs








In life, a lot of things come in threes. The Holy Trinity springs to mind first, but less well know is the way St. John Vianney tended his flock with the altar, the pulpit, and the confessional.

As the Year for Priests is underway, August 4 will mark the 150th anniversary of the death of St. John Vianney. This will be a very special day in the Year for Priests.

When we enter a Catholic Church, three things remind us of the works of a priest: the altar, the pulpit, and the confessional. Priests continue these priestly, prophetic, and kingly functions of Christ to make holy, to teach, and to guide souls. St. John Vianney was an outstanding pastor of souls in this regard.


After St. John Vianney became the parish priest of Ars (or curé d’Ars), he spent at least eight years working for the proper observance of Sunday. Sunday Mass ought to be at the center of our Christian life, he thought and God should occupy the first place in our hearts. We express this by placing our weekly encounter with Him, the Sunday Mass, at the top of our priorities.

Many people in the saint’s small French town experienced that; if they made time for God on Sunday, God would bless their works. Even though they did less, they could accomplish more. St. John Vianney was able to accomplish so much, because he put God first.


Everyday at 11:00 a.m., St. John Vianney would deliver a catechism lesson at the catechism stall (a small wooden pulpit). The saint had little human eloquence, but he preached from the heart, and his talks touched many souls.

Some were converted; some were inspired to the priesthood or the religious life. St. John Vianney preached not just by words, but also by deeds. He led a very austere life with little food and sleep. He fasted and prayed for his people. He personally visited his parishioners who sensed that they were being loved by their pastor. The people of Ars would say, “Our curé is a saint and we must obey him.”


One of the most remarkable things in the life of St. John Vianney was his long hours in the confessional. During wintertime, he would spend 11 to 12 hours there and during summertime, anything up to 16 hours.

In the confessional, the saint would often guide souls with just a few words or a sentence. But, his words had the authority of holiness to change people’s hearts.

As St. John Vianney grew with pastoral experiences, he became more tender and less severe. In the confessional, St. Vianney also consoled the afflicted and counseled the doubtful. It was said the saint “never encountered an ignorant person whom he did not enlighten, or a just soul that he did not encourage and urge on towards perfection.”

Please pray for us priests, that through the examples and prayers St. John Vianney, we may fulfill our priestly duties with greater love and holiness.