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20120220 We keep the holy day holy 守瞻禮主日

The third commandment is “Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day.” This commandment obliges us to assist at Mass on Sundays and to abstain from all unnecessary servile work.
We observe Sunday as a holy day because Our Lord rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, and the Holy Spirit descended to the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday.
Day of rest
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are to refrain from engaging in work or activities that hinder the worship owed to God, the joy proper to the Lord’s Day, the performance of the works of mercy, and the appropriate relaxation of mind and body.”
From Monday to Saturday we are mostly occupied with caring for our bodies, hence on Sundays we should in a special manner worship God and care for our souls.
Father John Hardon, SJ, author of The Question and Answer Catholic Catechism, writes, “The Church decreed that Christians observe Sunday as a day of rest because our religion and health require some relaxation at regular times. Moreover, Sunday rest indicates that all have the right and duty to enjoy leisure time allowed by divine and human law. They are to use this leisure to cultivate their social, religious, and family life.”
Servile work is allowed on Sunday when the honour of God, our own need, or that of our neighbour requires it. Hence, work of daily necessity, such as cooking and caring for domestic animals, may be performed on Sunday. Also, servile work necessary for the common good, or to prevent serious financial loss, is permitted on Sunday.
Day of worship
To attend Sunday Mass is a serious obligation for Catholics. Father John Hardon points out that “the causes that might excuse from assisting at Sunday Mass are: physical impossibility, which applies to those who are unable to hear Mass because they are sick, or who have no priest to say Mass for them; moral impossibility, when it would be very difficult to attend Mass, say because of the absolute necessity of fulfilling other grave duties; and the practice of charity, when Mass is sacrificed to remain at the bedside of the sick or give urgent assistance to someone in great need.”
We can sum up the reasons for attending Sunday Mass in four letters: A-R-T-S: for Adoration, Reparation, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.
We come to Mass to give adoration to God. Attending Sunday Mass is a concrete way to express the fact that God is most important in our lives. During the one hour at Mass we adore God interiorly in our hearts, exteriorly in our conduct, and publicly in community. God deserves our worship, and refusing to attend Sunday Mass is to disregard the right of God.
Holy Mass is a sacrifice which atones for our sins. The holy Eucharist also gives us strength to overcome sin. Some people call missing Mass on Sunday a “parent sin,” which means this sin leads to many other sins, for by missing Mass we isolate ourselves from God and from His grace, and thus do not have sufficient strength to resist temptations.
The one hour at Mass acknowledges that every good thing comes from God. All 168 hours of the week are gifts of God, and it is only right and just that we spend an hour in more intense worship of God.
As baptized Christians we participate in the priesthood of Christ. We ought to pray for people in the world. A fundamental way to exercise our baptismal priesthood is to offer the Holy Eucharist to the Father with the priest.







在主日,信友應避免不必要的勞動工作,但有需要的勞動工作(為恭敬天主的事、為個人必需、或為別人的必需而作的) 則是容許的。例如: 煮食、飼養家畜、必需的公共服務、為避免嚴重經濟損失的工作,在主日都是可以做的。



參與主日彌撒的理由,主要有四個: 崇拜,補贖,感恩和求恩。



