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20100614 聖女日納曼 Saint Germaine Cousin

每年六月十五日,法國都魯士Pibrac均慶祝年輕聖女日納曼.高馨St. Germaine Cousin (1579-1601)的瞻禮。日納曼宣福的文獻敍述:「一位單純、謙遜和賤育的少女,卻因超性的上智和明達所光照,修成傑出的德行,猶如一顆閃爍的明星,照耀着整個法國及普世教會。」












On June 15 each year the faithful of Pibrac in France honour a young saint, Germaine Cousin (1579-1601). The apostolic brief for her beatification stated: “A simple maiden, humble, and of lowly birth, but so greatly enlightened by the gifts of divine wisdom and understanding, and so remarkable for her transcendent virtues, that she shone like a star not only in her native France but throughout the Catholic Church.”

An unwanted child

Germaine’s right hand was deformed and paralyzed at birth. She lost her mother, and was unloved by her father and stepmother. Her stepmother treated her harshly and beat her savagely. After the birth of the stepmother’s own children, she kept Germaine away from them.

Germaine was made to sleep in a stable under the stairs. She was fed with scraps, and often she was so hungry that she ate what dogs and pigs left behind. As soon as she was old enough, she was sent out to be a shepherdess.

She was never given a pair of shoes. Her feet were frost-bitten in winter and bloody in summer as she led the flock to pasture and back.

Love for God and others

During her long hours tending sheep, Germaine acquired so much experience in the art of prayer that she was able to gather young children around her to teach them the simple truths of religion, to share the lives of the saints she heard in church with them, and to lead them to love God more.

Germaine had a great love for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The parish church was her refuge in the midst of sufferings. Nothing could stop her from attending daily Mass.

When she heard the bell, she would plant her shepherd’s staff in the ground, entrust the flock to the care of her guardian angel, and hurry to church. The sheep never wandered away from where her shepherd’s staff was planted, nor did wolves come to attack them.

In order to attend Mass Germaine had to cross a stream. One day there was a flood, and the stream turned into a strong torrent. People said, “Germaine will not come to Mass today!” But they were mistaken. Germaine attended Mass as usual. Two villagers testified that they saw the flood water open like the Red Sea to let Germaine pass through.

Though poor herself, Germaine would share her food with beggars. Even this became a cause of complaint!

One cold winter’s day, her stepmother pursued her with a stick and accused her of concealing stolen bread in her apron. Threatening to strike the girl with the stick, the stepmother commanded Germaine to open her apron. To the amazement of those present, summer flowers of a kind unknown to the region fell from the apron to the snow-covered ground.

A saint of Pibrac

The villagers of Pibrac began to realize that there was a saint in their midst. Their contempt was changed into veneration. Even her father and stepmother relented and allowed her to sleep at home. But Germaine chose to remain in the stable. One morning Germaine was found dead on her straw pallet under the stairs. She was 22.

During the night of her death, two monks who travelled from Toulouse were sleeping in the ruins of a nearly castle. They were awakened by an angelic melody.

They saw a great beam of light ascending from a building to the sky, and heavenly figures descending into the building. Later these heavenly figures ascended into heaven with another figure.

When the monks reached Pibrac next morning, they inquired if anyone had died during the night, and were told of the death of the young shepherdess, Germaine.

More than 40 years later, during the burial of a relative, the body of Germaine was discovered to be incorrupt. There was great devotion to her in Pibrac, and many miracles were ascribed to her. She was beatified in 1854, and canonized on June 29, 1867.