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20101220 「愛」是最大的德行 Charity — the greatest of all virtues







神修箸作家、赤足聖衣會的佳播.達連神父Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.指出:「愛德置我們於天主親密生活的中央。」「愛德提昇我們的愛,使我們能像天主愛自己一樣地去愛祂。」





愛近人的義務引伸至負面和正面的本份。負面的本份就是: 「己所不欲勿施於人」,而正面的本份就是: 「己所願者乃欲於人」。

「近人」是指所有有能力享受永生或已正在享受永生的受造物。因此, 天上一切的天神及諸聖、世上一切的人、和煉獄中所有的靈魂都是我們的「近人」。至於魔鬼及失落了的靈魂,不在此列,皆因他們離棄了天主 –––– 愛的核心。


Yesterday was the fourth Sunday of Advent. All three purple candles of the Advent wreath were lit. These three candles represent the three theological virtues, and “the greatest of these is charity” (1 Cor. 13:13).

St. Thomas Aquinas wrote, “Now that which is of itself always ranks before that which is by another. But faith and hope attain God indeed insofar as we derive from Him the knowledge of truth or the acquisition of good, whereas charity attains God Himself that it may rest in Him, but not that something may accrue to us from Him.

“Hence charity is more excellent than faith or hope, and, consequently, than all the other virtues; just as prudence, which by itself attains reason, is more excellent than the other moral virtues, which attain reason insofar as it appoints the mean in human operations or passions.”

Supernatural virtue

Charity is a supernatural virtue because it has grace as its source, God as its object, and eternal salvation as its end.

All human beings are capable of natural love. We love those who love us, and we wish good for our relatives and friends. But to love all people, including our enemies, we need supernatural love.

This supernatural love <0x2013> charity <0x2013> is infused into our soul along with sanctifying grace. These two (sanctifying grace and charity) form an inseparable union. If a soul loses charity through mortal sin, it is also dead in the life of grace.

St. Thomas says: “Charity makes man tend to God by uniting his affection to God in such a way that man no longer lives for himself, but for God.” In His goodness, God elevates us (mere creatures) to the supernatural by means of charity. Through charity we enter into the divine circle of eternal love of the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity.

A spiritual writer, Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, OCD, teaches: “Charity plunges us into the very centre of God’s intimate life.” He also wrote: “Charity elevates our love and makes us capable of really loving God as He loves Himself, although not with the same intensity.”

Each Person in the Blessed Trinity takes infinite pleasure in the infinite good of the other two Persons, and desires that good infinitely. This is the pure love of complacency and benevolence.

With charity, we take delight in the goodness and happiness of God, and we desire the fulfillment of the will of God. We love God for God Himself.

Fraternal charity

Love of God and love of neighbour are inseparable. God binds us to love our neighbour by a special obligation. Jesus said, “And the second commandment is like to it: you shall love your neighbour as yourself” (Mt. 22:39).

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (Jn. 15:12).

From this obligation of love follow both negative and positive duties towards others. Negative duties are summed up: “Do not unto others what you would not have them do to you.” Positive duties are summed up: “Do unto others as you would that they should do to you.”

“Neighbour” means all those who are capable of enjoying eternal life, or are already enjoying it. Hence, all the angels and saints in heaven, all people on earth, and all souls in purgatory are our neighbours.

The devils and the damned are excluded from fraternal charity, because they have forever voluntarily separated themselves from God, Who is the centre of charity.

We love God directly in Himself because He is infinitely lovable. We love God indirectly in others because we recognize in our neighbour a reflection of the lovableness of God.