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20090921 誡命就是誡命 A commandment is a commandment











Euphemisms are ubiquitous in our language. According to Dictionary.com, they are “the substitution of a mild, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive.” It’s no wonder then that advocates of murder and suicide bandy the word euthanasia around in an attempt to soften the “offensive” realities of going against the Fifth Commandment.

Now that our Parliament is back in session, this battle for life, with its immense consequences, is coming to Canada.

Over the next few months, Members of Parliament will debate bill C-384, the so-called “right to die” bill. It’s a private member’s bill seeking to legalize euthanasia. As Catholics, it is our duty to oppose this bill.

Euthanasia has become widespread in western society for three reasons. First, the progress of science has given human beings a sense of mastery over the universe and they erroneous believe this includes a right of mastery over life and death. Second, human beings, who immerse themselves in the satisfaction of this world, have become indifferent to whatever lies beyond the experience of earthly life. Third, in some places, the advocates of euthanasia have monopolized the media.

Now, let us look at the reasons of faith and the social reasons against the legalization of euthanasia.

Reasons of faith

The two main reasons of faith against euthanasia are, the right of God and human dignity. God alone, as our Creator, has dominion over all life. He alone has the ownership of human life, and man is only steward of his own life.

Those who advocate euthanasia assume the right of ownership over human life and thus infringe the sovereign right of God. Hence, euthanasia is either murder or suicide. In Evangelium Vitae, Pope John Paul II unequivocally declared, “euthanasia is a grave violation of the law of God, since it is the deliberate and morally unacceptable killing of a human person.”

The life of each human person has inherent and inviolable worth and dignity, which cannot be reduced or taken away by life’s circumstances. Human life is sacred, in and of itself, apart from its usefulness. God has given each of us the right to live, but He has neither given us the right to die nor the right to kill.

Social Reasons

I would like to group the social reasons against euthanasia into three categories. It promotes the culture of death, it endangers the health care system, and it opens the doors to a list of deadly abuses.

Euthanasia promotes the culture of death. The legalization of euthanasia can easily become “the duty to die” for the most vulnerable in our society. The sick, depressed, elderly, and disabled will feel pressure to die in order to spare others an emotional and financial burden. The legalization of euthanasia will also send the wrong message to young people; namely, that it is all right to take one’s own life. Suicide is already the second leading cause of death for adolescents in Canada and we do not want to increase the number of suicides. In places where euthanasia has been legalized, the rate of teen suicide has also increased.

Euthanasia endangers the health care system. The purpose of health care is to save lives, not destroy them. The duties of doctors are to cure and to heal, not to kill. Legalized euthanasia will make doctor a person to be feared rather than trusted.

If euthanasia is legalized, we can expect the sick, the disabled, and the elderly to have good reason to fear going to hospitals and care-giving institutions. Doctors should kill the pain, not the patient.

Therefore, legalized euthanasia will deter the search for better methods of pain control and treatment of disease. In the past couple of decades, new forms of palliative care were making quick advances in Canada. These were non-existent in the Netherlands where euthanasia is practiced instead.

Euthanasia also opens the doors to a list of deadly abuses. Doctors in the Netherlands annually kill hundreds of patients that didn’t request death. In scores of documented cases, euthanasia has turned out to be the result of criminal scheming. In other reported cases, doctors carried out euthanasia because of impatience or because of outbursts of anger.

If euthanasia is legalized, unscrupulous people will try to arrange for the death of an enemy or a wealthy relative. In order to safeguard all citizens, no one should be given the power to kill anyone else. The legalization of euthanasia will be a gross infringement of social justice.

We need to work together to stop bill C-384. For an analysis of the bill and some sample letters to help you in writing to your MP, please visit www.euthanasiaprevention.on.ca.