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20120507 We receive Jesus 我們領受耶穌

The Holy Eucharist is the greatest of all sacraments. All the other sacraments give grace, but in the Holy Eucharist we receive the source of grace, Christ Jesus Himself.
According to the Baltimore Catechism, “The Holy Eucharist is a sacrament and a sacrifice. In the Holy Eucharist, under the appearances of bread and wine, the Lord Christ is contained, offered, and received.”
The form of the sacrament is the words of institution: “This is My Body,” and “This is the chalice of My Blood.” Bread and wine constitute the matter of the sacrament. The minister of Holy Eucharist is the priest.
Holy Eucharist increases sanctifying grace in the soul. According to Father Bennet Kelley, CP, the sacramental grace of Holy Eucharist “nourishes our love of God and one another and helps to overcome our natural self-love and selfishness.”
We can focus on the Holy Eucharist on three levels or in three ways: sacrifice, communion, and presence.
According to the Baltimore Catechism, “The Mass is the sacrifice of the New Law in which Christ, through the ministry of the priest, offers Himself to God in an unbloody manner under the appearances of bread and wine.”
“The Mass is the same sacrifice as the sacrifice of the cross because in the Mass the victim is the same and the principal priest is the same: Jesus Christ.” Also, both have the same purposes: to adore, to give thanks, to implore, and to atone.
The difference between the Mass and the cross is the manner. The sacrifice of the cross was offered in a bloody manner, and the sacrifice of the Mass is offered in an unbloody manner. On the cross Christ merited grace for us, whereas at Mass He applies grace to us.
In catechism class it is very beneficial to explain the different parts of the Mass to the students. You are invited to read four past articles (Feb. 1, 2010 to March 1, 2010) of this column on the different parts of the Mass at my website: www.fatheranthonyho.ca.

Jesus becomes our food in Holy Communion. On our part, we must prepare our soul and body to receive Him properly.
The Baltimore Catechism lists the basic requirements for the proper reception of Communion: to be free from mortal sin, to have a right intention, and to obey the Church’s laws on the fast required before Holy Communion out of reverence for the Body and Blood of Our Divine Lord.
To receive Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin is a grave sin of sacrilege. Those in mortal sin should go to confession before receiving Holy Communion.
The amount of grace we receive in Holy Communion is affected by our disposition. We should always strive to approach Jesus in Holy Communion with greater faith, love, and devotion. After receiving Communion, we should not neglect to make a proper thanksgiving.
Catholics are obliged to receive Communion at Easter time and when in danger of death. However, the Church encourages us to receive Communion often, even daily, for Holy Communion is the greatest aid to holiness of life.
At the consecration, the entire substance of the bread and wine are changed into the Body And blood of Christ. This change is called “transubstantiation.” After the consecration, only the appearances of bread and wine remain. The substance of a thing is what it is, whereas the appearance is what it appears to be to the senses (e.g. colour, taste, weight, and, shape).
Jesus is truly present in our churches. We should show our love and gratitude by visiting Him often, by reverence in church, and by participating in Eucharistic devotions.

聖體聖事的「形」是成聖體聖血的經文:「這就是我的身體」和「這一杯就是我的血」。聖事的「質」是麵餅和葡萄酒。聖事的施行者是司鐸(神父) 。
我們可以從三方面去理解聖體聖事: 聖祭、聖體、和臨在。
「博迪模天主教要理」列出妥善領聖體的基本條件: 沒有大罪、有正當的意向、並遵守教會有關守聖體齋的規定,以尊敬耶穌的體血。
在成聖體時,整個麵餅和葡萄酒的本質都變成耶穌的身體和寶血。在成聖體後,只有麵餅和葡萄酒的外形保留。「本質」是指出一件東西是什麽,而「外形」則是指感官對那東西所能體驗到的,例如: 顏色、味道、重量、和外形。