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20120430 Confirmation seals soldiers for Christ 堅振確認基督的勇兵

According to the Baltimore Catechism, “Confirmation is the sacrament through which the Holy Spirit comes to us in a special way and enables us to profess our faith as strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.”
Confirmation presupposes baptism because it is a completion of the grace of baptism. Confirmation is to baptism what growth is to birth.

Form, matter, and minister
Confirmation is administered through the anointing with chrism on the forehead, which is done by the laying on of the hand, and through the words “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow, author of My Catholic Faith, writes, “By anointing the forehead with chrism in the form of a cross is meant that the Catholic who is confirmed must always be ready to profess his faith openly and to practise it fearlessly.”
“The cross marked on our foreheads at confirmation reminds us never to be ashamed to profess ourselves disciples of a crucified Saviour. We must profess our religion openly whenever we cannot keep silence without breaking some law of God or of the Church; for example, when we are challenged to make profession of our faith, when the Church is being attacked.”
In the Western Church the ordinary minister of confirmation is the bishop. Priests may act as extraordinary ministers of confirmation:
1) When a priest baptizes or receives an adult into the Catholic Church.
2) When a person is in danger of death.
3) When a priest receives the faculty from the bishop to confirm.
Sacramental effects
The sacrament of confirmation increases sanctifying grace, gives its special sacramental grace, and imprints a lasting character on the soul.
Confirmation increases sanctifying grace, along with infused virtues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
According to the Baltimore Catechism, “The gifts of the Holy Spirit help us by making us more alert to discern and more ready to do the will of God.”
There was a series of articles on the gifts of the Holy Spirit in this column last year from April 25 to June 20. You may read these articles at www.fatheranthonyho.ca.
According to Father Bennet Kelley, CP, “The sacramental grace of confirmation gives us strength to profess our faith even under difficulties and persecutions and to give good example to others.”
In his Question and Answer Catholic Catechism, Father John Hardon, SJ, points out that the sacrament of confirmation is referred to as the sacrament of martyrdom and the sacrament of witness.
It is referred to as sacrament of martyrdom because “it is the sacrament of testifying to Christ, in the Church, before the world.” And it is called the sacrament of witness because “it enables us to profess our faith not only courageously but also effectively.”
The character of confirmation is an indelible sign which marks the Christian as a soldier in the army of Christ.
Father Hardon writes, “The sacramental character imprinted on the soul in confirmation is a permanent gift that assimilates us to Christ in three ways. We are able to become:
1) Like Christ the priest, in bearing suffering patiently and sacrificing courageously.
2) Like Christ the teacher, by acquiring a strong will to keep the faith and a strong mind to understand and share the faith.
3) Like Christ the king, in developing qualities of leadership to withstand what is alien to the Gospel and draw others to follow Christ in extending the kingdom of Christ on earth.”
Father Kelley points out that as soldiers of Christ, our weapons are suffering and sacrifice, prayer, good example, and encouragement.

「我的天主教信仰」作者類斯.莫魯主教寫著:「以聖油用十字聖號傅在額上,是寓意教友在接受堅振聖事後,應以大無畏精神,實踐和公開承認自己的信仰。」「以聖油用十字聖號傅在額上,不以追隨被釘死在十字架上的基督為恥,在必要時 —— 包括教會被攻擊時 —— 公開宣認自己的信仰。」
赫頓神父指出:「堅振聖事的神印是特別的恩賜,使我們與基督同化 —— 一)相似基督司祭,勇敢地忍受世苦、作出奉獻犧牲。二)相似基督導師,用意志堅守信仰、用理知理解信仰、並分享信仰。三)相似基督君王,帶領別人堅定地信從福音、追隨基督,拓展基督的神國。」